Saturday, July 20, 2013 Reviews How To Save Face Online - ShoeMoney ...

Now this was a bit ironic about brand online reputation management. I was just having a conversation with SEO Bitch yesterday and at the same time reading some reviews about reputation management.

We were talking about when Detlev Johnson took the world by storm at the SEO SMX Session talking about how he was now living as a woman.

Disa Johnson, formally known as Detlev, I always thought was a cool dude, but was a little quiet and reserved. This took some serious balls (metaphorically) to hold a session at a SEO conference about changing his gender.

Long story short ? I made a post about it and how it was probably uncomfortable for first time attendees (and past) to attend a session at SMX about the subject. I didn?t think I said anything that bad honestly. I mean I was just writing on what was already public and the only thing I said was that it was probably a bit awkward.

Anyway, Disa took big-time offense to it and threatened to sue me and had some cronies publicly attack me.

But here is the funny thing. Disa is an online reputation management and SEO expert.

So I fired back with a post about the events that had transpired and since 2009 it has ranked regularly in the top 10 for Disa Johnson?s name and also very high for what she does: Reviews SERPs Like This Daily

So Disa sells reputation and SEO services, yet can?t seem to control her own reputation or SEO. Draw your own conclusions there.

This is just one example, but there are a TON of people out there trying to sell online reputation management services. But they really have no clue what they are doing. Not specifically talking about Disa, of course, that is just one example from my personal experience.

So where do you turn to get negative results removed about you or your company? of course! continues to be the industry leader for your company and your personal reputation SEO rankings.

They are so good that? and I will throw this out there? if you can outrank for their brand name in Google US, I will personally pay you $1,000. That is how good I know they are. But I think after looking at the reviews you will want to give =P.

If you are looking for a brand management company give a buzz. Before it?s too late!

Full FTC & Google compliant Disclosure ? I was paid for this post. All outbound links have been attributed with proper relationship.

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